Dog Training Tips

Monday, August 17, 2009

Choosing a Trainer For Sheltie Training

The sheltie is known as intelligent and highly trainable breed of dog. But even if they are regarded as such, it is undeniably true that many of them are given up or abandoned when the cuteness and the normal behavior disappears. Shelties who end this way are actually not problematic dogs when they were born. However, many of these four-legged friends turn into little monsters when they are allowed to do so. Ignorance on the owner's part sure is a big factor in molding a dog to become aggressive, excessive barker - in general, a problematic dog that you are not dreaming of. On a positive note, sheltie problems can be treated and even prevented through sheltie training.

When talking about sheltie training, it does not necessarily mean that you are required to get a trainer for your dog. If you just want someone to accompany your dog when you're gone or someone who will take your dog for a walk when you're too busy to do that, then you need not to hire an intensive dog trainer. There is no reason for you to pay more... a dog sitter is just what you need.

On the other hand, if you intend to have a show dog or if your dog is giving you headaches, then hiring a dog trainer is a great idea. When looking for a dog trainer, the number one factor to consider is training technique. A trainer who believes in the power of humane training technique is preferable than someone who thinks that dogs can be trained and corrected by physical punishment. Positive reinforcements such as food, praise, attention or time to play are far more effective than spanking the rear or rubbing the nose in the dirt.

Observe the class first before you enroll to any training class. A good instructor will allow you to do so. When observing, notice if the trainer:

  • makes the class enjoyable for you and your dog
  • explains the lessons with clarity and even provides materials or handouts on how to teach a certain behavior
  • encourages and assists students individually
  • gives students enough time to practice and is patient and supportive towards them

You may also want to do some background check. Has he attended any formal training or a member of any dog training organization? Is he continually updating himself with the latest training technique?

If you feel uncomfortable with the trainer's method, don't take any chances. Look for another more competent trainer to be on the safe side at the same time ensure the success of your sheltie training.

Richard Cussons wants to help owners achieve success in sheltie training. Visit to learn advice effective in sheltie training.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Training Dogs - Myth Five

Your Dog Feels as Though it is in Prison When You Put it in a Cage or Crate


Confinement means something very different to dogs and humans. To your dog it is an area they recognise as being their very own, and is somewhere they can go, and once there, know they do not have to do anything, such as protect you, alert you or even just keep you company - basically, it's an area where they don't have to make any decisions at all.

Many dog owners use crate training as a method of house-training their dog, as well as an area which will keep them safe from any potential dangers around the house.

You should make your dog's crate a comfortable place for him by adding soft bedding as well some of his toys and once your dog recognises his crate as his own "safe area" he knows it is somewhere he can go to get some peace and quiet or rest.

A few things you must remember when using crate training with your dog include:

Keeping Your Dog Safe and Out of Mischief: If you are busy with something and not able to keep an eye on your puppy or dog, this would be an ideal time to put him in his crate. It gives him the opportunity to rest or play with his toys until you have completed whatever it is you are doing.

Putting him in his crate whilst you are in the house will help him become totally used to the crate, and enjoy being in it. Then, once you know he is totally at ease whilst in the crate, you know you can safely put your dog in his crate if you need to leave the house for short periods.

Use the Crate to House-Train Your Puppy: Most dogs are unlikely to soil their own play and rest area, which makes the crate an ideal way to train your dog to hold it in until you take him to the area you have designated for him to do his business. Don't make your puppy wait too long in the crate because if he really needs to go to the toilet he will have no alternative but to go in his crate. If this does happen he could well associate going to the toilet with his crate and this could become a hard habit to break.

To learn more about Dog Behaviour and Crate Training, and to Get your Free 6 Day Course Bonus on Secrets to Dog Training (worth $27) visit Free tips from the experts on how to train your dog the right way.

If you are having Dog Barking Problems and need some advice on how to deal with them please visit:

Bloat - A Fatal and Urgent Dog Problem - Learn the Ins and Outs Now

Before you start learning about bloat in dogs, first a WARNING: Did you find this page because your dog is showing symptoms of bloat right now? Then STOP reading and hurry to the vet this second! Gastric dilatation and torsion (commonly referred to as bloat) is one of the most urgent medical emergencies a dog ever faces.

Still reading because you're not sure whether it's bloat, but it looks like symptoms of bloat? Well, as I always say: 'It's better to err on the side of caution'. Now go! Ok, so you're still here and your dog is just fine at the moment. Apparently you are a responsible dog owner and reading about this topic before you actually face it.

Thumbs up for you!

Let me tell you about the symptoms, causes and remedy of gastric dilatation in dogs.

What is bloat?

Bloat in dogs is an acute and serious medical emergency that often ends in death. When bloating your dog's stomach becomes dilated with gas and twists on itself. The blood flow is blocked and the stomach cannot be emptied. The gas buildup continues and the vital organs receive not enough blood to continue functioning. If not treated quickly and effectively your dog could die from blood poisoning and toxic shock.

Symptoms of bloat in dogs and gastric dilatation - When your dog is suffering from bloat he (or she) is very uncomfortable. You may see these signs:

* A distended abdomen that might feel like a drum.
* Pace back and forth, unwilling to sit or lie down, restlessness.
* Drooling and producing more saliva.
* Panting and having trouble breathing

When you notice only some of these signs then visit your vet. The drum-like abdomen is not always seen. Be alert whenever your dog is not acting like his usual self.

Causes of bloat
The actual cause is unclear, though bloat is more often seen in large dogs with deep narrow chests (as compared to small dogs with barrel-shaped chests). Dog breeds that are at risk are: Great Danes, St. Bernards, Gordon Setters, Irish Wolfhounds, Weimaraners and Doberman Pinschers. Please note that this list is not complete and all dogs can develop this condition. Not all narrow chested dogs will experience bloat and other factors that contribute to the risk are:

* Rapid eating and gorging behavior. Dogs that eat slowly and chew their dog food carefully have a lower incidence of bloat. You can buy special dog food bowls that will reduce eating speed.
* Whether exercise right after eating increases chances of developing gastric dilatation is unclear. To be on the safe side my dog and I always go for a walk first and he gets his meal after. Better be safe, than sorry.
* A relation between stress and bloat is likely, so try to avoid that too. Happy dogs have a lesser chance of developing gastric dilatation as compared to fearful and dogs in stress situations.

Curing bloat
Speed is of the essence. Chances of loosing your furry friend range from 10 to 60 percent. When your dog is not given veterinary treatment within a few hours after the symptoms appear, he is most likely to die. Gastric torsion is such an acute life-threatening condition that when your dog develops symptoms in your absence, you could find your friend dead.

Your vet will physically examine your dog and can confirm the diagnosis using x-ray. The x-ray photo will then show a stomach that is twisted and/or distended with gas. The stomach can be decompressed by passing a tube down your dog's throat or, when impossible, multiple small cylinders through the skin into the stomach. Your vet will then have to perform surgery to return the stomach to its normal position and tack it to your dog's body wall (in order to prevent twisting in the future).

Prevention of bloat in dogs
Especially dogs that have suffered from bloat should eat multiple, small feedings per day instead of one large meal.

During surgery, your vet can attach the stomach wall to the body wall. This is the most effective means of prevention. When your dog received medical treatment, but not surgery, the risk of recurrence is quite high. In those cases, feed small meals, avoid stress and allow the food to digest before play or exercising your dog.

For more information about dog allergies visit Here you will find much more dog food related information. Subscribe to the e-zine to receive the free e-book 'A bit of Tender, Love and Care for Dogs'. To stay tuned to dog food news and trends please pay a visit to
All the best, Barbara.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Principles in Dog Training

Most people think training comprises teaching the dog to do things such as sit, speak and roll over, but even a 4 week old pup knows how to do these things already. Instead, the first step in training involves teaching the dog human words for each dog behavior and activity and for each aspect of the dog's environment.

That way you, the owner, can more easily participate in the dog's domestic education by directing her to perform specific actions appropriately, that is, at the right time, in the right place and so on.

Training opens communication channels, enabling an educated dog to at least understand her owner's requests. In addition to teaching a dog what we want her to do, it is also necessary to teach her why she should do what we ask.

Indeed, 95 percent of training revolves around motivating the dog to want to do what we want. Dogs often understand what their owners want, they just do not see the point of doing it, especially when the owner's repetitively boring and seemingly senseless instructions are totally at odds with much more pressing and exciting doggy distractions.

It is not so much the dog that is being stubborn or dominant, rather, it is the owner who has failed to acknowledge the dog's needs and feelings and to approach training from the dog's point of view.

Golden's have long since surpassed their value as just sporting dogs, they make the best kind of family pet. Golden's are eager to work and too energetic to remain happy when penned up for long periods of time.

A Golden's sporting instincts make him eager for anything from duck hunts to backyard games.

The author has been writing articles online for several years.
For more information on Capstar Flea Control, please visit Program Flea Control which is an educational website devoted to helping people understand how to fight fleas and ticks on their cats and dogs.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Joint Problems in Dogs - 5 Ways You Can Help!

Joint problems in dogs are never fun. The pain, swelling, and stiffness are often too much for pet and pet guardian alike. Joint problems in your dog can make your best friend feel miserable, and you... hopeless. Take heed of the following five steps. They can alleviate your dog's joint problems in no time!

  1. Massage. Yes, massage! Simply take a minute or two, once or twice a day, to generously massage the muscles surrounding the affected joint. Obviously, you never actually want to touch the joint itself, but when you give a real, heart-felt rubdown to the surrounding muscles, you will relieve you dog's pain in a huge way!
  2. Acupressure. This can also provide significant pain relief. Keep your dog in the lying position (you'll want your dog to lay down during the massage) so that he or she is extremely comfortable. What you'd like to do immediately following the massage is to squeeze his or her akeela's heel (the one closest to the affected joint) with your thumb and middle finger. Do it firmly, like you really mean it, for 30 to 60 seconds. Just watch your dog go into "bliss" mode while you're doing this!
  3. FOOD! It is absolutely essential for getting your dog back on track to offer your buddy healthy, natural food. One ingredient in your dog's food makes all the difference between misery and happiness. That ingredient is glucosamine. Many specialty dog foods will be labeled "joint health formula." Read the ingredients. If the food is high in glucosamine, it's probably a winner!
  4. Light exercise. This is important for two reasons. Firstly, you need to keep your dog's joints lubricated. Gentle movement is a great way to do this. Secondly, the lighter you keep your dog (within reason, of course), the easier his or her affected joint will have it. We're not talking about anything major, here. Just a nice walk every day should suffice. Just note the importance of managing your dog's weight.
  5. Supplementation. Avoid chemical painkillers. A dog's body is not meant to handle medicine. Instead, implement a homeopathic supplement regimen. This can work absolute miracles for your dog's joint problems. Make sure your supplement contains ingredients proven to deal with pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Do these five simple things for your dog's joint problems and watch the amazing transformation happen before your very eyes!

Lee Murray is a nutritionist and dog lover who is committed to helping you make your best friend as healthy and happy as possible. You are invited to take a look at Pet Bounce, the safe, effective treatment for dog joint pain and arthritis.

Examine the incredible ingredients, see how it's helped others, and then sign up for your very own FREE trial! Your dog is going to LOVE you for this!

Go to right away!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

English Bulldog House Training

House training your English bulldog is one of the first things you should do when you bring him home. Like any other puppy, they have very small bladders and it may take a few months before they can hold it for longer than a few hours. This means you will need to keep a close eye on your puppy, and take him outside every hour or two. This takes patients sometimes, however if you keep it up you will have a very well trained puppy to show off to your friends.

The first thing you should know about English bulldog house training is that you need to get your puppy on a schedule ASAP. Your schedule should consist of what times to take your puppy outside to the bathroom, what times you feed your bulldog, and what time you will exercise him. Using this technique at the same time every day will help him get use to what time to go and will help eliminate accidents from happening on your rug. Feeding and exercising him at the same time every day will help accomplish this as well.

Another technique you can use is crate training. This works very well for this breed and also keeps them safe when you won't be around to keep an eye on him. Crate training lets you keep your puppy inside, without you having to worry about them going potty on your floor. You should never keep him in his crate longer than 2 hours when he is a young puppy. When you go outside for a bathroom break, you should always go to the same spot every time. This will help your bulldog become aware that this is his territory and he will get used to going in that spot.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

How to Install a Dog Door the Right Way

One of the best purchases to make is a pet door for your dog or cat. It gives them the freedom of coming and going whenever they please. Though both types of pet doors serve the same purpose, they are very different from each other. A cat is much more graceful than a dog, so a cat door does not provide the sturdiness that is needed for a small dog to use the door. The better route is to buy a small dog door that is also cat friendly (several are on the market) because they will allow for both cats and dogs to use the door with ease. Some dog doors are just too heavy for a cat to push through, so be sure to ask the store for the best brands to meet your needs. Once you find a good pet door, the trick is installing it properly. Here's how to accomplish that with ease.

For sliding glass dog doors, see what kinds of fasteners and springs the kit comes with. Many times, these are the very easiest of pet doors to install, so if you are not a very handy person, you may want to consider this type of dog door. Generally, the door comes with a tall panel that slides into your door's track and nestles between your sliding glass door and the pet door unit. Clamping springs simply get squeezed with your forefinger and thumb to lock these pet doors into place. Look for a sliding glass pet door that has a lock on it for added security. It would not be a good idea to give thieves easy access to your home simply so you can have a dog or cat door available!

The next most common type of pet door is the in-the-door style. These are meant for the bottom center of your door and become a permanent fixture to the door. Unlike the patio sliding door styles, this type of door cannot be removed without leaving a permanent hole in the door. To install one of these doors, choose a place where your dog can access it day or night. The side door leading out from the garage is a popular place to install a door like this because many people have their dog sleep in the garage at night. This allows the dog to be able to go from the garage to the backyard with ease during the night. You'll need to purchase a jigsaw, a thin-bladed mechanized saw, to cut a sufficient hole in the door. If you have a solid wood door, a stronger saw may be necessary. Simply cut the hole to the size of the pet door and place the pieces in the hole. Be sure to use a leveler to install it horizontally straight. Screws that come with the kit will fasten the dog door to your door on both sides.

These two types of pet doors are great because they work well and are easy to install. Products come with installation instructions as well a phone number where you can ask the manufacturer for additional help. Give your pets the freedom to come in and out of the house with a new pet door today!

For more information about dog door, please go to

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Stop Dog Whining With Positive Reinforcement

While stopping dog whining can be one of the more difficult actions to control. I know that for me I always had one dog that would constantly whine about anything that he could think of. While I have tried many methods I found that some of them worked really well, while others would leave me thinking that I was wasting my time. So I thought I would share the method that I found that worked out best in helping to stop my dog from doing this behavior all the time.

The method that I found that works out best is to figure out what he is whining about. I know that at times this can be very difficult to do because they could be doing this for attention, something is wrong, they have to go potty, or a wide variety of reasons. I know that if they are doing it for attention the worst thing that you can do is give them the attention right away because then they will keep on doing that behavior each time that they want to have that reward. So the best way that you can get them to stop whining for attention would be to ignore the whine until they are quieted down and settled down some then you will be able to pet them.

I know that this might seem kind of odd that once you discover that they are doing this because of wanting attention that you just ignore them, but if you give them attention they will keep doing this. However, by ignoring them and only rewarding them when they stop the bad action they will put two and two together and stop the bad behavior.

If you do not believe me on how easy it is to stop your dogs whining problem it can be done very easily. I know that finding out what your dog is whining about is the first step, but you will want to find out even more information at

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Canine Repellent

Canine repellent has become the need of the hour. The reason is that people who spend time outdoors, often come across barking dogs. Dog owners who do not wish to take care of their dogs, abandon them and they become stray dogs. Every year the number of stray dogs has been increasing. With the increase in number of dogs in the statistics, there has also been increase in the number of dog bites. Every year thousands of people are bitten by dogs and seek medical assistance. With the painful dog bite you may also get infected with harmful diseases like rabies.

Abandoned dogs spend most of the time in the day searching for food and have to overcome various situations to stay alive. They may constantly come across threats in their daily life; hence you will always find them to be in violent mood. They will keep on barking if they find anything suspicious or dangerous. Dogs that are found to be in groups can be more dangerous than a single one.

Children are the ones who play fall prey to these dogs easily because of the noise they make and also because of their quick movements. So, children must be made to understand what they must to when they encounter such dogs. Whether the dog is a pet dog or a stray dog, a child must know that he/she should not go near it.

There are many canine repellent products available in the market that will keep the dogs away from attacking you. Some of the well-known canine repellent products are Ultrasonic dog repellent and dog muzzle spray.

Ultrasonic dog repellent is a marvelous tool that emits high frequency waves of 20,000 MHz to 25,000 MHz at 135 decibel. When you find a dog constantly barking at you, you may use this device to chase away the dog safely. All you need to do is point the device towards the dog and press the power button so that it starts emitting the sound. The sound emitted from this device will not be of any harm to the humans. However, it will be slightly deafening for the dogs. This will cause discomfort to the dog and eventually you will find them moving away from you. You can also chase away the dogs by making use of the well illuminated flash light of this device by flashing it directly at the dog.

Since years, pepper sprays have been used by ladies to get rid of perverts. The same technique can be used to chase away the dogs. Muzzle spray can be directly sprayed on the dogs face. The sprays usually contain irritants like pepper. When you spray it on the dogs, they will experience terrible irritation in their eyes and may also feel difficult to breathe for a short duration. This way you can chase the violent dogs easily.

Even when you are in state of panic you will be able to use the canine repellent tools to get rid of the barking dogs. It is very necessary for all the people who come across barking dogs everyday. These repellents are not costly and investing in it may save you various life threatening moments from the ferocious dogs.

Stop Barking Collars

A dog barking can be a very annoying noise for you and your neighbors, however, it is made worse if it is your dog that is barking. Not only will it annoy your neighbors but it can cause some serious problems, especially if your neighbors complain and you get an unwanted visit from animal control.

There are many reasons your dog is barking. There can be things in your dogs life that are bothering your animal, and will keep him barking until you remove these annoyances out of his or her life. Stranger alerts, excitement, anxiety and boredom are the main causes to why your dog will be barking. The best way to stop dog from barking is to remove the reasons why he or she is barking in the first place.

If your dog is neurotic then an anti barking collar is not the best way to stop your dog from barking. The shock from the collar can really send a neurotic dog into a spin and he or she could really hurt themselves trying to get the collar off. Stop barking collars are designed to be a corrective device, when your dog is barking. Once your dog has stopped barking the collar does need to come off, they are not designed for everyday apparel.

The main two types of anti barking collars are a static collar and a citronella collar. A static collar has a little box attached to the collar that sends out an unpleasant vibration to your dog when your dog is barking. Its not a electrical shock, so it will not send your dog off whimpering into the corner. The citronella collar sprays citronella when activated by the barking dog. The dog does not like the smell and it will start to realise that when he barks, it releases the smell.

A stop barking collar is not a inhumane as you would think. The anti barking collar does not have any electricity in it, and the shock that your dog receives is that of a vibration that makes it unpleasant for him. The shock will not send your dog whimpering in pain, it will only give him a little fright. Stop barking collars, if used correctly can be a very good way of correcting your dogs barking habits.

Hannah Scott is an expert in her field. Her Website has all the information you need to know about Stop Barking Collars. Hannah had reviewed the best Barking dog collars on the market, you can find this at Stop Barking Collars

Monday, August 3, 2009

Prevent Canine Cancer

Did you know canine cancer is the leading cause of non-accidental death in dogs?

Just doing what dogs do, by playing, relaxing and rolling around in their own backyard could be dangerous or even life threatening? There are invisible dangers inside the safe haven of your dog's fenced in yard, that can make your pet sick, diseased or even kill him. Canine cancer is the number one killer today of our beloved pets.

Your backyard may be a dog's paradise, but the area can be filled with deadly dangers, especially if you have a puppy that is young, adventurous, and going through that oral fixation phase where he must chew on anything he can find. Canine cancer is caused by many different problems from genetic to environmental.

The worst age bracket for this problem is between 1 and 6 months, however, other types of dogs, such as Labrador retrievers as a prime example, seem to carry this chewing habit with them for the rest of their lives. I have two Labs, Lady and Lola and they are both grown girls, but love digging and eating backyard dirt.

My vet says it is harmless as long as I don't use chemical fertilizers or weed killers and other toxic filled products on my grass or around the garden beds.

Beware Of The Following Backyard Dangers

As a busy dog owner, you may not have the time or the resources to properly research many aspects of raising an adult dog or puppy, therefore, below is a list of the most common dangers may be that lurking in your backyard.

This list is compiled from reports as outlined by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCS).

* Fertilizers and compost piles.
* Ornamental ponds that contain blue-green algae.
* Toxins created by animals such as insects, toads, spiders, scorpions, and snakes.
* Poison from citronella candles which are used to guard against mosquitoes.
* Swimming pool supplies and treatment chemicals.
* Mulch that contains Cocoa, which are typically placed around shrubs and other plants.
* Fly traps which contain methomyl.
* Poisonous plants like grape vines, azalea, castor bean, sago palm, and kalanchoe.
* Snail and slug traps which contain metaldehyde.

Also be aware of the same indoor toxic chemicals, and puppy proof this area also as these products are also cancer causing. Close garbage cans tightly. Lock up all pool supplies. Put away your lawn and garden materials.

Further protect your animals by following the instructions carefully given on pesticide products, fertilizers, bug sprays, and other hazardous materials. I have actually replaced all my chemical, poisonous toxic filled products with more natural, earth friendly products. This was initially for my dog's health, but I do feel much better also about assisting in environmental care. Ask a specialist in lawn care, or check out all the newer choices at your local store that sells lawn care products for earth friendly products.

And if you ever suspect that your dog or puppy has ingested a dangerous poison, chemical, or is bitten by a venomous predator, contact your veterinarian or get him to your nearest emergency veterinarian hospital immediately.

The increase of canine cancer in the last 20 years can be caused by the increase in use of toxic outdoor dangers.

There are many tips and tricks that are easily applied in day to day living to prevent canine cancer. Starting with being aware of what is dangerous and could potentially cause dog cancer is the first step in raising healthy happy pets.

If you want to protect your dog from getting canine cancer, or if your companion has already been diagnosed then you will definitely want to check this out. You will find a comprehensive, authoritative and well researched compilation of all the information needed to extend the life and health of your dog here.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Two Fast and Easy Dog Training Programs - A Review

"Puppy Training and Dog Training Online" is a program created by Dove Cresswell, an animal trainer working in Hollywood. Her program is video based and includes several bonus items. Her training includes:

* Puppy House Training / Potty Training
* Dog Obedience Training * Crate Training
* Walking Politely on a Leash: The Informal Heel
* The Recall
* Good Puppy & Dog Manners
* Special Dog Tricks

In the entertainment business, time is MONEY... and the puppies and dogs need to be trained FAST. Each dog must perform exactly as required by the director - PERFECTLY, every time, over and over until the director yells "CUT!" At the age of 25, Dove is one of the top trainers in the industry and you can utilize the benefit of her expertise to train your dog FAST.

Beside the basic lessons listed above, the program includes several bonus items, the best of which is direct email access to her expertise.

Since the lessons are in video format, there is a flow to watching them, and some might prefer an ebook format so they could refer back to it without rewatching a video. The benefit of the video is that you hear the voice inflections Dove uses when she is training animals, and that probably speeds up the training process.

Dove Cresswell's program sells for $38.97.

"How to Train Your Dog in One Evening" is a training resource offered by Don and Ellen Langton. Their dog was peeing on their bed, barking incessantly, refusing to obey, and in general making their life miserable. The Langtons were almost ready to take the dog to the shelter, when their vet suggested this book.

Amazingly they were able to correct the bad behavior in just a couple of days. The book includes training techniques for over 80 different problems. There are contributions from a panel of dog training experts with over 80 years between them. Obedience trainers, show dog trainers, breeders, veterinary technicians...even the folks who train those police K-9 dogs.

I'm told that many of the secrets in this book have never been revealed to regular dog owners before. That they were part of the "private bag of tricks" used by these pros.It is a menu of options for specific problems.

This program will appeal to those wanting a reference for specific training issues that they can return to as needed.

"How to Train Your Dog in One Evening" is $39.95.

These two programs are both very good, and depending on your specific needs and desires, both might fill the bill. Dove Cresswell's program is geared to comprehensive training and the Langton's is designed for more specific needs. I would rate Dove Cresswell's program a 5 stars out of 5 possible, and the Langton's 4.5 stars out of 5.

Dizzy Bayles is from Socal. Check out his blog, including his preferred dog training methods at:

The Puffin Eater - A Look at the Norwegian Lundehund

The Norwegian Lundehund (one of the rarest breeds of dogs on the planet with only about 1500 remaining) has certain qualities that no other dog breed possess. The first unusual feature of this that all four of its paws have six toes. Other dog breeds have four toes and a dewclaw. Each toe has several joints as well, allowing for a full range of motion, where as other dogs only have muscle in the toes. These extra toes allow the animal to have much better balance and able to easily travel across rocky cliffs, uneven terrain, and even propel itself through narrow cave passages while on its side as it goes after the puffin bird they were originally used to hunt. Their feet also have extra pads to walk on with 8 on each of the two front paws and 7 on each of the back.

Another unique trait Lundehunds possess that no other dog has, is the ability to stretch its front limbs to the sides at 90 degree angles from it's body. This looseness of the shoulder joints is helpful for the dog uses while climbing out onto the rocks to travel out to the nesting area of the puffin. To anyone watching this, it would appear as if the dog is able to run in a straight line across uneven ground with ease.

One trait the dog has that is unique to its breed is the ability to either fold its ears forward, closing off the auditory canals, or bend them backward and move their cartilage separately to pick up sounds with the flesh of the ear pressed back on their head...

And finally, and perhaps the most unusual talent possessed by the Norwegian Lundehund is one that only one other mammal (the Reindeer) is capable of doing. It has extra joints in its neck, which allow the dog to bend its head all the way backward over its own spine, touching its forehead to its back. Doing this effortlessly, the canine is able to manoeuvre through tight spaces when going after its prey of choice, the puffin.

My name is Darren and I own the web site. It has info on lots of rare dog types, including this article on the Norwegian Lundehund.

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